De Poort

Essential Strategies of Healing Sexual Trauma and Sexuality / Part 2 of 4 modules

Course Description: All of us work with clients who have experienced sexual trauma as a child, sexual assault as adults, with couples who grapple with sexual incompatibilities, or people who struggle with debilitating shame, dissociation, flashbacks, sexual/gender identity, body image and just generally resist being in their bodies. This workshop is designed to tackle just

Essential Strategies of Healing Sexual Trauma and Sexuality / Part 2 of 4 modules Lees verder »

Uncovering the Roots of Sexuality Trauma / Part 1 of 4 modules

Uncovering the Roots of Sexuality Trauma This first program is the foundation of the Full Embodiment practice. It examines the developmental imprints and other formative influences that sabotage an easeful, shame-free relationship with ourselves as sexual/sensual beings. We will slowly rebuild that which was scarred by generations of sexual oppression, misogyny and cultural and religious

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The Energetics of Intimacy, Attachment and Sexuality / Part 3 of 4 modules

The Energetics of Intimacy, Attachment and Sexuality This course (Part 3 of 4) focuses on the connection to self and the body, while being in proximity with others. You do not need to be in a couple relationship to get great benefit from this program. Through the lens of Somatic Experiencing,  attachment theory, and current

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Further Strategies for Healing Sexual Trauma and Sexuality / Part 4 of 4 modules

Course Description: With an additional focus on couples, especially who have experienced sexual trauma as a child, sexual assault as adults, or with grapple with sexual incompatibilities, or those who just generally resist being in their bodies. As an adjunct to “Essential Strategies Of Healing Sexual Trauma” Ariel brings more advanced strategies. In this workshop we

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Our Silent Language

Synchronization and emotional attunement Underneath all our verbal language there is a flow of deeper connection. These processes of  synchronization, emotional attunement, and reattunement are vital for deeper communication, emotional bonding, and the overall health of our relationships.   Synchronization often occurs subconsciously. When people engage in conversation, they naturally tend to align their speech

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Relational Dynamics in Therapy (EN)

Relational Dynamics in Therapy | Training The NARM Perspective on Transference, Countertransference, Projective Identification and Defense Mechanisms In-Depth Workshop for NARM Trained and Other Therapists The workshop is designed to provide participants with the theoretical insights, practical skills, and an increased self-awareness to improve the therapeutic relationship and support the healing process of their clients

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Introductie op het Traject tot Opleider Lichaamsgericht Werken

In deze introductie krijg je zicht op je kernwaarden, kwaliteiten en leervragen rond je rol als opleider, onderzoek je je drijfveren en krijg je inzicht in jouw groeipotentieel. Deze introductie heeft de aard van een (zelf)selectieproces omdat wij vinden dat de rol van opleider niet voor iedereen is weggelegd. Iedere deelnemer werkt in deze module

Introductie op het Traject tot Opleider Lichaamsgericht Werken Lees verder »

Relational Dynamics in Therapy

Relational Dynamics in Therapy | Training Het NARM-perspectief op overdracht, tegenoverdracht, projectieve identificatie en verdedigingsmechanismen Verdiepingsworkshop voor therapeuten De workshop is bedoeld om deelnemers te voorzien van theoretische inzichten, praktische vaardigheden en een groter zelfbewustzijn om de therapeutische relatie te verbeteren en het helingsproces van hun cliënten te ondersteunen, bekeken door de lens van het

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Advanced Strategies for Healing Sexual Trauma and Sexuality

Ariël Giarretto Ariel Giarretto, SE faculty teacher, MS, LMFT, SEP, CMT, CSB is an internationally known body-oriented therapist, trauma specialist, and Somatic Sex Educator. Her passion is to support people of all cultures and ages in how to find ease and pleasure in their bodies, increase intimacy, and find freedom from the grip of trauma.

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