Deepening Presence

NeuroAffective Meditation | Training


Our effortless, resting presence is basic to the healing that we offer our clients. Dropping deeper into our own presence, balanced to just rest with the other, and to act effortlessly, is a lifelong process. During good times and bad, practicing – playing with – a sense of listening or surrendering in the direction of Grace, of the Wholeness in Life, can help us to rest in a deeper current of awareness. This is a skill we can use in our private lives, but also in our therapy sessions and teaching processes.

This – very personal – process also changes the way that we are present with our clients and students. Presence is the heart of psychotherapy, and heartfelt meditation is a core training for deepening our presence.

The awareness practices will start with deepening our sense of the three levels of the triune brain and the aliveness they hold:

  • In the autonomic nervous system – deepening our sense of vitality and arousal regulation
  • In the limbic system – resting with emotions, heart feelings and relationships
  • In the prefrontal cortex – exploring how thoughts, images, insights and narratives dance in the spaciousness of our mind.

The workshop will offer:

  • guided meditations to deepen and refine the awareness and presence of the participants,
  • balancing energy exercises and compassion exercises for everyday use
  • meditative interaction processes
  • awareness exercises for contact situations, such as psychotherapy
  • plenum dialogues about theory and experiences

Participants should bring comfortable clothing and are welcome to bring their own meditation gear. Some prior experience with meditation is preferable. If you want to use a meditation cushion, you should bring your own cushion. Only normal chairs are available.

You can find some of Marianne's other meditations here.


Marianne Bentzen


Kloosterhotel Zin, Vught

You are

– someone with some experience in meditation.


October 2 until 5, 2025

Study time

4  days:
Day 1:      10.00 – 13.00 and 15.00 – 18.00
Day 2-3:  09.30 – 13.00 and 15.00 – 18.00
Day 4:      09.00 – 13.00 and together lunch for closing.



NeuroAffective Meditations
(4 days)
€ 895,-
Plenair room, lunch & koffie/thee Price:


Dinner & overnight stay (price per night) Shared room:
Not possible
Private room (on availability):
€100,- incl. breakfast* €41,50 dinner incl. 2 drinks*

*Costs are based on previously known prices, and are subject to change.

    Apply here

    praktische info


    Marianne Bentzen


    Kloosterhotel Zin, Vught

    You are

    – someone with some experience in meditation.


    October 2 until 5, 2025

    Study time

    4  days:
    Day 1:      10.00 – 13.00 and 15.00 – 18.00
    Day 2-3:  09.30 – 13.00 and 15.00 – 18.00
    Day 4:      09.00 – 13.00 and together lunch for closing.



    NeuroAffective Meditations
    (4 days)
    € 895,-
    Plenair room, lunch & koffie/thee Price:


    Dinner & overnight stay (price per night) Shared room:
    Not possible
    Private room (on availability):
    €100,- incl. breakfast* €41,50 dinner incl. 2 drinks*

    *Costs are based on previously known prices, and are subject to change.

      Apply here

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